Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende on Motorcycles | Speak Two The Wind
In this bonus episode of ‘Speak Two The Wind’, we follow CJ Collins, Collin Provost, Jackson Pilz, and others wandering through Mexico on motorcycles, embracing the ancient colonial architectures, 2,000-year-old pyramids, and various skate spots as they make their way from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende.
After the U.S. and Europe tours were finished, we all agreed we had one more trip left in our reserve tanks, so we devised a plan to visit San Miguel de Allende, a colonial-era city 170 miles northwest of Mexico City. We took off from Mexico’s capital on motorcycles with a solid crew and ended up discovering a place called Tula, populated with 2,000-year-old pyramids and structures, it was quite a sight to see. Continuing our journey, we finally made it to San Miguel de Allende where we stayed at our friend Luka Barrena’s house who coincidentally has a skate bowl in his backyard. The bowl was perfect and his backyard was full of tents and motorcycles. A local chef even volunteered to cook the local cuisine for us. We shared good laughs and good food with the local crew, skating and sharing stories before it was time to head back to Mexico City. Once we arrived in the capital, our friends Los Viejos, who are a local metal band, played a show for us to give us a proper send off.